FYI, these are going to be way out of order, because we all know I haven't been practicing my blog-skills. Also, I am just loading these in between classes and work and stuff. It might take a week or two, knowing me

The entrance to China Town. This is as close to it as we got. I also think this arch is 90 percent of Portland's China Town.

So, we suck at sexy eyes, but I thought it was funny, and the waterfront is cool...

This is in Pioneer Square...

Waiting for the street car...

This is in the Pearl District, the real ritzy part of town. This shot will be appearing as the cover of our all girl indie rock band album. Stay tuned. Marci's bro was so great in showing us tons, as well as taking millions of dorky pics of us.

This is the stuff we carried around with us all day. For anyone who wants to do this trip, I recommend the book store last, as books are really heavy after about 8 hours of walking.

This is Portand State university's campus. Isn't it awesome? It's right in downtown Portland, which wierded me out a little, being used to Logan. So pretty. Marci's brother is a student here.
How fun to see a life after the visit to Amanda and Mike!!!! Thanks for the pictures. Looks like you had a great time, and I haven't read anything about Portland being any worse for the wear as a result of your visit!
You guys should definitely be in pictures. At least on the covers of magazines and movies!
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